HH Subscription

A Human House Subscription will help you establish and maintain a safe and secure workplace

  • Subscription

New staff members, new work procedures, new processes. Your organisation is an ever-changing entity and this demands continuous focus on the working environment. Establish and maintain a safe and secure working environment for everyone at the workplace through prevention and ongoing dialogue with Human House as a subscription partner.

With an HH Subscription you gain direct access to expert guidance and consultancy in all areas of occupational safety and health, e.g. organisational development, leadership coaching and development, health, ergonomics and authorised H&S consultancy.

You get a 6% discount on all Human House services including the mandatory and supplementary training courses, network participation, and consultancy in OSH, leadership and health and ergonomics.

We are only an email or phone call away when you need assistance with minor everyday issues and problems. And with the HH Subscription you gain access to 24-hour psychological emergency assistance.

Choose your subscription

You can customise your subscription to best fit your organisation’s needs by choosing from the following OSH package solutions:

Package 1

Three consultancy hours free of charge

Package 2

Participation for one person in one of HH’s OSH Networks (e.g. Network for Work Environment Representatives or Network for Work Environment Managers)

Package 3

Participation for two people on a half or one-day supplementary OSH course

Package 4

Participation for one person on Update or OPUS (HH’s 1-day conferences held each year)

Package 5

Half day Vision Zero workshop with focus on your level of prevention, held in-house in your own organisation

Practical information about the HH Subscription

For 2023, the annual subscription fee is DKK 6.650 exclusive of VAT.

6% discount on consultancy services

6% discount on open training courses (IOSH courses not included)

Access to 24-hour psychological emergency assistance

Ad hoc consultancy – via phone and e-mail – for minor issues that may be immediately responded to
